Shrouded in legend, the hike to Broadway Cave in Arizona's Superstition Mountains provides stunning views of Apache Junction and the surrounding landscape. According to local lore, the cave was once the hiding place of a treasure discovered by two traysure hunters in the mid-1900s. After uncovering a hoard of coins, the pair reportedly sought information about their find and potential buyers, only to be murdered for their fortune. What happened afterward remains a mystery—or so the tale suggests.

Trailhead elevation 1,880'
Water none
Don't miss the nearby ruins
Hike to Broadway Cave
Hikers will find an eight-vehicle parking lot at the Jacob's Crosscut Trail (#58) trailhead. The first 0.6 miles of the trail are rugged, winding through an area dotted with cholla and saguaros, with the Superstition Mountains rising to the east.

The trail gradually inclines after a left turn, inching closer to the mountains.

As hikers approach the base of the mountains, Broadway Cave becomes increasingly visible.

At approximately 1.4 miles, the trail reaches a large cairn, where hikers should turn right to head toward Broadway Cave. From this point, the next third of a mile consists of steep switchbacks filled with loose scree, with an elevation gain of over 500 feet. Around the 1.9-mile mark, the trail ends at Broadway Cave, which stands about 20 feet high and 30 feet wide. The cave offers sweeping views of Apache Junction and the surrounding area, and is a fantastic spot for sunset.

At the back of the cave, hikers will find a tunnel supposedly dug by people seeking more of the legendary traysure.

After exploring the cave, hikers can retrace their steps to return to the trailhead. For those interested in nearby ruins, a short detour is possible. On the return, at the large cairn, take a right onto a user trail and follow it for 0.2 miles to reach the ruins.

The ruins are the remnants of what was once a functioning fireplace. Now, only the graffiti-covered base and a small portion of the chimney remain.